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Apr 24, 2024 - Wed
Cheyenne, United States
broken clouds
64°F broken clouds
Wind 8 mph, SSW
Humidity 34%
Pressure 1.01 bar
Day Cond. Temp. Wind Humidity PressurePres.
wed apr 24
light rain
65/52°F 16 mph, S 27% 1.01 bar
thu apr 25
light rain
68/51°F 22 mph, WNW 18% 1 bar
fri apr 26
light rain
52/47°F 25 mph, NW 58% 1 bar
sat apr 27
rain and snow
40/34°F 18 mph, N 97% 1 bar
sun apr 28
rain and snow
43/42°F 17 mph, N 72% 1.01 bar