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Apr 27, 2024 - Sat
Butte, United States
overcast clouds
45°F overcast clouds
Wind 3 mph
Humidity 57%
Pressure 1.01 bar
Day Cond. Temp. Wind Humidity PressurePres.
fri apr 26
rain and snow
45/45°F 10 mph, NE 65% 1.01 bar
sat apr 27
rain and snow
39/39°F 6 mph, N 97% 1.01 bar
sun apr 28
overcast clouds
48/39°F 17 mph, W 43% 1.01 bar
mon apr 29
rain and snow
37/27°F 22 mph, WSW 77% 1.01 bar
tue apr 30
light snow
36/31°F 13 mph, WSW 38% 1.01 bar